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Amaral Tellawi Law is built on a foundation of education. Contact us today to book a speaking engagement at your workplace, classroom, or private seminar.
This is a brief list of speaking topics that the partners of Amaral Tellawi Law can cover. There are many options to choose from and we would be happy to work with you on a custom request.
Please contact us here to start the process.
Do-it-yourself Documents, just don't.
Who inherits when there is no Will? A reality check.
How to Administer an Estate
Probate 101
Estate Planning Basics for Lawyers, Accountants, Bankers, and Trustees
Estate Planning for Social Media Influencers
Five Things Every Woman Should Know about Estate Planning
Continuing Education - Estate & Business Planning: Spotting Issues for Your Client
Know Your Rights. Be Prepared! A Guide for Parents Everywhere
Priority Shift in Estate Planning due to the Pandemic
The Petition and Appointment of the Personal Representative
The Entrepreneur’s Guide to Wealth Generation, Growth, and Preservation
Asset Protection Strategies for Texas Real Estate Owners
Additionally, Thais Amaral Tellawi speaks fluent Portuguese and can present in that language as well, here are a few examples of topics presented:
Comprar ou alugar casa no Texas (Should one buy or rent a house when moving to Texas?)
Caridade e ajuda ao próximo (How to impact a cause that is important to you)
Morar na Cidade ou no Subúrbio (Tips for selecting the right guardians for your kids)
Como enfrentar um divórcio no EUA (How to make it through a divorce in the USA)
É preciso ter um Testamento nos Texas? (Does one need a Will in Texas?)
Como planejar para tutela de menores? (How to plan for a minor’s guardianship?)
O que aprendi sendo dona de um negócio nos EUA (What I learned being a business owner in the USA)